Talking about a summer to-do list in May? If you are more in the frame of ‘what month do schools end’ than thinking about starting the next school year, that’s ok! I find myself starting to reflect and brainstorm for the next school year before the current one even ends. I like the fresh start and personally hate saying goodbye to my students so thinking about the future is just easier. I start thinking about my teacher summer to do list as I brainstorm and reflect on the last school year.

I’m sharing my top 9 teacher summer to do list ideas to help with your own brainstorming session. You can choose from all of these ideas or some of them! But no matter which you choose, you will feel more confident (and probably excited!) for the upcoming year.
If this sounds overwhelming, cut to the chase! Grab my 7 Secrets to Take Back Your Time as a Teacher. Teaching doesn’t have to be overwhelming and time-consuming. Drop your email below and get the free guide with my secrets to say yes to the spice of life and say no to the stress and burnout!
Start a Teacher Summer To Do List
In my best Sound of Music voice, “Let’s start at the very beginning, it’s a very good place to start!” I start off thinking about the next school year by making a list. My list ends up in about 4 different categories but just like when making an epic to-do list, I just brain dump first.
Reflect on the Year
The first category on my teacher summer to do list is things I want to change for next year. This is an easy category because that’s what I’m usually thinking about first. Did a certain organization system fail? What about a certain unit you want to change up? Thinking about changes I want to make usually dictates the rest of my to-do list tasks.
List all the things you loved
Next on the to-do list categories is a list of things I loved about the school year. Did I like my classroom setup? Maybe I had a great lesson or system for organizing papers? What do I for sure want to do again next year?
Prep Over the Smmer
Category 3 is things I want to prep or do over the summer. These ideas sometimes come from what I want to change for the next school year. Sometimes these are just things on my regular to-do list that I won’t get done before the school year ends. Be sure to check out this blog post with more ideas for this category.
Getting Back into the Classroom
Category 4 is a list of things to do the next time I’m back in my classroom. These are tasks that I can’t do from home, like setting up my classroom or moving a bookcase. This is also a great place to put make certain copies or make a back-to-school bulletin board.
If I’m making my to-do list at the end of the school year, I can sometimes get a head start on this last category because I’m still at school. SO I can use the laminator for some task cards or try out a new classroom layout when I have a few kids around to push tables 😉

Professional Development
I truly believe that teachers are always learning and growing and the summertime is a great time to play catch up on any To Be Read Piles. Whether you are a book junkie, an audiobook guru, or a podcast hipster there is always a new tip, trick, or strategy to try out in my classroom next year. I like to pop in a podcast and go for a walk or listen to an audiobook on my road trip adventures. Summertime gives us teachers space to breathe but also time to combine learning with summer fun!
I’ve always wanted to attend a teacher conference in person but have never gotten the chance. Virtual conferences or in-person options can help your learning and growth while also checking out new destinations and meeting new teacher besties!
To Buy List
During the teacher summer to do list brain dump, I usually come across a few items I’d like to purchase for the next school year. Maybe a new set of flair pens, math manipulatives, or that perfect bin for organizing your math learning centers. I jot down those random things so that as I am out and about over the summer I can be looking for things I actually need!
I also use this time to purchase my new teacher planner for the new school year. Before going back for teacher workdays I’ll fill in my school calendar and big events in my (real) life so that I have a good grasp on planning.
Unit Planning and Scope and Sequence
This is a more content-heavy tip but I like using the summer to get ahead on planning just a little bit. I will sit down with my standards and rough plan out the order and sequence of when I’m teaching units. This is a great idea if you are switching grade levels or if your state standards changed.
This step is the cornerstone of my batch prepping system so I take some time over the summer to really get this right. If you work as a team, grab your besties and head to a coffee shop for an afternoon of catching up and prepping for the year ahead.
If you want a template to use to help set up your own scope and sequence, I have a few in my TPT shop for free! Check out the free templates here.
Teacher Summer To Do List: Relax
Last but not least is to remember to use the summer to recharge your own batteries. You can’t pour from an empty cup so be sure to spend time doing the things you love!
I spend time getting outside in nature, traveling the country/world, and catching up with friends!
Any and all of these ideas can be done in as much time or as little time as you want to give them. There have been summers where I only had 2-3 things on my teacher summer to do list. That is totally fine! Do what you need to do in order to have a successful next school year!

Even More Teacher Summer To Do List Ideas
Want more tips and tricks for preparing for the next school year? Below are my favorite blog posts from other teacher friends to check out!
- Summer ‘Vacation’ To Do List for Teachers
- Summer To Do List for Teachers: 15 Popular Tasks
- Summer Bucket List for Teachers
- The Summer To Do List for First Year Teachers
- A New Teacher To Do List for Summer
- The Fabulous Big Summer Bucket List for Teachers
What ideas would you add to this list? What are some things on your teacher summer to do list? Drop your ideas in the comments below!
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