When I think of summer I think of a lot of things. From sunshine to hiking in the mountains to all the traveling, I just love summer. I also tend to do a lot of reading during the summer simply because I don’t have a lot of time during the school year to dive into the newest read. I’m sharing 10 teacher pd books on my reading list. These are a collection of some of my favorites along with some new titles that I’m excited to read!

Teacher PD Books #1: Teach Like Finland by Timothy D Walker
Finland has the best education system- at least according to all the studies. This book gave insight into what a classroom is really like in a Finnish school, and let me just say it sounds like a dream. I’d like to dive back into this one and see if I can incorporate some of the things that Walker talks about in this book.

#2: The Wild Card by Hope and Wade King
This is one that I read a few years ago, mainly because I follow them on Instagram. I mean who hasn’t seen the room transformations of Hope King?! This was a good read, mainly about how to make learning more fun for students. I wouldn’t say I did a whole lot from this book, mainly because I kept switching grades every year. Now that I’m in a place where I’m teaching the same thing, I’d love to dive back into this one!

#3: Teach Like a Pirate by Dave Burgess
Similar to The Wild Card, this one is all about upping the engagement in your classroom. Some creative ideas to use in your classroom come fall time again. Get your creativity flowing and get excited for the next school year, this is one that is sure to inspire you!

#4: Digital Citizenship in Action by Kristen Mattson
This is one that sounds like an interesting read, especially for teaching middle schoolers. Online space is everywhere and it leaks into the school day more often than not. I want to know more about how to engage students in the online space- in the right way.
#5: Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain by Zaretta Hammond
I actually read this one for a class I was in last year and it was an interesting read. Culturally Responsive Teaching seems to be a big push these days and so this might be a good way for you to get your feet wet before the next school year. There are a bunch of other teacher pd books with this topic focus, this is just the one that I read.

Teacher PD Books #6: An Educators Guide to STEAM by Cassie Quigley and Danielle Herro
Teaching both math and science lets me have an exciting lens to STEM. I want to do more with this cross over this next school year and this sounds like a good book to dive into first. I like reading teacher pd books over the summer that get my creative side thinking. This book sounds like it can do just that!

#7: Hacking Classroom Management by Mike Roberts
Want to improve classroom management? This is the book for you! Bite-size tips are great for teachers just starting out or looking to improve their craft. I read this one a few years ago, but I could use a re-read! There are a bunch of other teacher pd books in this ‘hacking’ series if you are looking for small movements, big impact.

#8: Empower: What Happens When Students Own Their Learning By John Spencer
This book sounds like it is in line with my goal to have more student-centric learning methods in my classroom. I chat a little bit about what I’m doing in my classroom in this blog post. But I want to know more and do more with this complex topic. This is another one that is at the top of my To Be Read list this summer!

#9 Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck
What growth mindset tips and strategies should you use in your classroom? This book, by the researcher herself, really gets you thinking about the mindset you create in your classroom for your students. I share my current tips and activities for adding in growth mindset to your classroom. Give the blog post a read here.

#10: Flip Your Classroom: Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day by Jonathan Bergmann, Aaron Sams
Want to try a flipped classroom for this next year? This book is a great starting place for switching up how you teach. I talk a little bit about how to flip your classroom instruction here but this book is your best bet for all the details.

More Teacher PD Books Ideas
Looking for more teacher pd books to add to your own list? Be sure to check out these lists with even more book ideas!
- 29 Must Have Professional Development Books for Teachers
- 20 Recommended Books on Professional Development for Teachers
- Professional Development Books for Teachers
- 30 Best Books for Professional Development
- The Top 20 Professional Development Books You Need to Read
I’d love to know what teacher pd books are on your list. Drop your favorites in the comments!

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