It’s no secret around here that I love using fun lessons and activities to teach math. Keeping students excited about one of my favorite subjects makes it that much more enjoyable to teach and creates a classroom where math and fun go hand in hand. If you are getting ready to teach geometry then look no further than these 5 activities and games for volume!

How to Use Activties and Games for Volume
I spoke more about the volume of prisms and how I teach the lessons in this blog post if you want to dive in deep. Essentially I try to make my lessons very hands-on and with a student-centric learning method model. I want my students to explore what volume is and how it relates to the area. I use learning labs to create hands-on experiences for teaching the volume of prisms.
Once students have a concrete understanding of volume for 5th grade, I will move more toward practice. This is where math can get boring if you let it! That’s where these activities and games for volume come into play.
I like to use the games I’m sharing in this poster during math learning centers. Have you wanted to start using math stations but don’t know where to start? My 5 part video series shares all the nitty gritty details from how to create groups to what math station rotation ideas I use in my own classroom. Sign up below and get all 5 videos sent straight to your inbox. Easiest PD ever!
Games for Geometry
This is one of those games for volume that is perfect for math learning centers. This Double Dice game has students creating their own math problems to solve. Students roll a set of dice and then use the numbers to create the dimensions to solve the volume of prisms.
This game is reusable which makes it great for early finishers as there is always a new problem to solve. I simply slip the game board into a page protector and let students use dry-erase markers to solve.

Task Cards
I love a good set of task cards, especially if I can use them in multiple ways! This set of task cards is printable and digital so I can pick and choose how I use them. Digital is great for saving on copies or for leaving with sub plans. Printable options make it great for math stations as independent practice.
This set of 5th grade volume task cards has 24 different problems that can be used digitally or on paper. Assign as many or as few as you’d like! Click here to learn more about the better worksheets on volue of rectangular prisms option!

I share even more ways how to use task cards in this blog post if you are looking for more creative ideas.
5th Grade Measurement and Data Anchor Charts
Math poster ideas coming in hot! I’m essentially obsessed with math posters so this set of traceable anchor charts is perfect for cute, orderly, and readable reference tools.
This set of 5th Grade Measurement and Data Anchor Charts includes 2 versions of each chart so you can print black & white, or trace in color. You can even print the colorful ones large so that you don’t even have to trace them!
The math poster set also includes a version that is perfect for math interactive notebooks. It’s fill-in-the-blank so that students can practice taking notes as they are learning. Especially great for the transition to middle school!

I use these 5th Grade Measurement and Data Posters in so many ways! Sure, I use them to teach a concept but also for reviewing before a 5th grade maths test or state testing at the end of the year. They also make a great math station rotation idea for independent practice. The ideas for math posters are endless! If you want more ideas for math posters be sure to check out this blog post!
Games for Volume 4 in a Row
Speaking of math station rotation ideas, let’s get back to games for volume! This 4-in-a-Row game is such a fun one that requires no prep for you! Students pick a problem to solve and then check their answer with their partner who has the answer. If the answer is correct, students turn on the board like Connect 4. The first person to 4 in a Row wins!
This is a quick option for a game center or even as whole group practice. Leave the worksheets on volume of rectangular prisms behind and use games for volume to practice.

Word Problems in Geometry
The last, but not least of the games for volume is one of my personal favorites. I don’t know about you, but my students struggle with how to solve math word problems! Rather than finding word problem worksheets on volume of rectangular prisms, I decided to make a math game.
This game has a set of cards (the only prep, I promise!) that has students solving area, perimeter, or volume of prisms problems. Students determine if they are finding area or volume. Then the solve. Students look for their answers on the game board and move their pieces to the place. They keep taking turns moving their pieces until the game time is over or they run out of cards.

This word problems in geometry game set is made for easy differentiation. There are 3 game boards with varying numbers of decoy answers: none, a few, or lots of extra answers to trip up students. Each game board uses the same set of cards so students are solving the volume of prisms problems no matter which board they choose.
More Games for Volume Ideas
Looking for more games for volume of prisms? These blog posts round up even more ideas to make finding volume more exciting for your students! No more worksheets on volume of rectangular prisms!
- Volume of Prisms: How to Engage and Excite 5th Graders
- 20 Excellent Hands-on Volume Activities for Middle School
- Volume of Rectangular Prisms- 3 Fun Volume Activities to Build Understanding
- 7 Activities for Increasing Students’ Understanding of Volume
What are your favorite activities and games for volume?

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