Ready for even more games and centers for math that are perfect for 5th grade? Well, you came to the right place! Between last week’s post about grade 5 maths games and this blog post, I have you covered with the very best math games!
How do I fit everything into my math block? From testing to teaching, centers for math are just another thing to fit in. I shared how I run a 45-minute math block in this blog post. One of the key components of that time block is using centers for math.
So how do I use centers for math in my classroom? Luckily, I created a 5 Part Video Series that shares everything you need to know about setting up math stations. From what math station rotation ideas to include and how to actually plan for math stations, I share everything I know! Drop your email below and get the video series sent straight to your inbox.
Centers for Math By Topic
Just like the last post, I’m dividing up my recommendations for games and centers for math in 5th grade by topic. If you are looking for different topics (like decimal place value for 5th grade, or games for adding and subtracting fractions) be sure to check out this blog post.
Games for Multiplying and Dividing Fractions
Even in 5th grade, I strive to make math as hands-on as possible. To do this, I like to have my students build a deeper understanding of models when it comes to how to multiply and divide fractions. This is where learning labs come in handy!
A learning lab is simply an activity that lets students explore how to multiply fractions and divide fractions by whole numbers. Using visual models is so key to helping my students better understand a tricky concept!
In addition to learning labs, I like to give students lots of practice with fractions so games for multiplying and dividing fractions are a perfect addition to my math station rotations. I like to use my Tic Tac Toe game boards and Double Dice games for kids to help give students practice in a more fun way. I dive more in-depth into these fun math games in this blog post so be sure to check it out!
Want a bundle of 12 different games for multiplying and dividing fractions? I’ve linked my bundle here which includes the learning labs and math partner games I shared above.

Grade 5 Maths Games: Coordinate Plane Graphing
Want good math games for 5th graders? I like playing whole group math games like candy bar addresses. How fun is it to practice coordinate plane graphing while finding the location of candy bars?! This is one of my students’ favorite lessons of the school year!
Want centers for math in 5th grade? Match-it-up cards are perfect for an independent station. Students practice matching up coordinate grids, tables, and patterns. This gives additional practice to finding patterns from tables and graphs.
My coordinate plane graphing unit wouldn’t be complete without math poster projects. This math project has students creating their own treasure map and then listing directions and ordered pairs of different treasures. A fun way to combine social studies and graphing in coordinate plane.
Add all of these fun centers for math in one easy click. The Coordinate Plane Graphing Bundle includes all of these activities and 4 more! Grab the bundle here.

Geometry 5th Grade Games
I love to use 5th grade math games in the classroom in place of whole-group lessons. This 5th grade geometry activity has students become the teacher. Students create clues to a 2d figure. I mix up the clues and post them around the room. Students then solve each others’ clues like task cards. You could also have students do a stand-up-hand up-pair-up to mix students up and get them talking about math.
Another math game for 5th graders that I use in my 5th grade geometry unit is choice board templates. Students get a choice board either digitally or printable. They make a choice and create their response to the prompt. These choice board templates come pre-created so all you have to do is assign them. Perfect idea for math homework or as a summative assessment. I share more about how to use choice board templates in this blog post.
Looking for 6 geometry 5th grade games? This bundle has you covered with the above activities along with 4 more! Grab the bundle on Teachers Pay Teachers.

Centers for Math: Volume for 5th Grade
Volume of prisms is one of my favorite units for hands-on learning. Using learning labs help students build the volume formula in a hands-on way. Break out the cubes and get to building! By giving students a chance to build and explore, retention is higher!
In this bundle are 3 math games for 5th graders! 2 sets of double dice games for kids and 1 set of Tic Tac Toe. My students love using dice to create their own problems and try to beat their partners to the largest volume of prisms. In the Tic Tac Toe math game, students practice finding the volume while also being able to check their work. Their partner has their answers so students are able to practice the math concepts correctly without asking me every 2 minutes to check their work.
Looking for quick centers for math? Digital task cards are where it’s at! They are perfect for an independent math learning center and easy to prep. Simple assign on TPT Easel program or through Google Slides and Forms. Self-grading makes it easy to assign for a sub day too!

Want to grab all the volume for 5th grade centers for math? Click here to find the bundle!
Fun for Math Games Grade 5
This blog post wouldn’t be complete without a round-up of my favorite math games that are fun! Tic Tac Toe is where it’s at! My students love this game and I created enough boards to use all year long. The math games grade 5 bundle is a great addition to centers for math time. Inside the bundle are 13 different games for any of the topics covered in 5th grade math.
This game is easy to prep- just print and play. No cutting, no laminating! I like to slip the game board into page protectors and let my students use dry-erase markers to play. This makes setup easy and storing them even easier! I can pop the games back into a binder for easy storage for next year’s group.

If you want to try out a set for yourself, I have some math games for 5th graders for free linked here. Want the whole bundle? Grab it here!
More Centers for Math in 5th Grade
Looking for more centers for math in 5th grade? These blog posts have even more ideas to get you started on playing math games and using centers for math! Want all of the Grade 5 Maths Games Bundle? Grab the bundle here and save 20%!
- 5th Grade Math Games for Free
- Guided Math in Upper Elementary
- 5 Simple Math Centers for 3rd, 4th and 5th Grade Students
- Math Stations for Upper Grades
- 20 Math Center Ideas
- Math Station Rotation Ideas
- Getting Started with Math Learning Centers
- An Overview of My Upper Elementary Math Stations
- Simplify Your Math Centers
What are your favorite centers for math? Any go-to favorites? Drop your ideas in the comments!

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