I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, fractions don’t have to be boring! In fact, the math shouldn’t be boring in general! In my quest to make math as exciting as possible, I’m sharing all my activities for adding and subtracting fractions how to keep it fun. Let’s go!

How to Start Math Stations
Before I get too much further, one of the keys to keeping math fun, in general, is to use math stations. A little nervous to dive in? Don’t worry! I break it all down in my free 5 part video series. I share the who, what, when, where, why, and how. Get all your questions answered in these videos, sent straight to your inbox. Drop your email below and let’s get started!
One of the more difficult parts of starting math stations is creating fun activities for students to work on. But, I’m here to help you out I like to use a mix of different low-prep math games. Everything I’m sharing is print and play! I’m all about trying to save myself time too!
I do really like to slip these games into a page protector for 2 reasons. First, it saves on copies because students can use dry-erase markers to play. And everything seems more fun with a whiteboard marker, am I right?! Second, it makes for easy storage. I can pop them into a 3-inch binder for easy storing and switching. This makes it easy to change stations every week!
Now that we have the basics of math stations figured out, let’s get into the specifics of adding and subtracting fractions how to keep it fun!
Adding and Subtracting Fractions How To Use Games
Add and Subtract Fractions Games
Stuck in a math game rut? 4 in a Row to the rescue! This game is simple to play but offers tons of practice for adding and subtracting fractions. Students pick a problem to solve and then check their answers with their partners. If the answer is correct, they take a turn at 4 in a Row! The first person to 4 in a row wins!

Print and play with no pieces to cut makes this a quick game to prepare for! Click here to grab the adding and subtracting fractions how to set.
Fraction Games Interactive
Want to make fraction games interactive? This game set a great option to let students build their own math problems. Students use dice to create an add and subtract fractions problem. Then they solve. Students compare fractions each round to determine the winner.

I love this adding and subtracting fractions how to game because it’s reusable. Students could play every day and never solve every possible combination. Definitely a great math station rotation option for when I’m feeling lazy about switching out games… not that that has ever happened to me of course…
Adding and Subtracting Fractions in Word Problems
Yes, this math game is all about how to solve math word problems. Inside this adding and subtracting fractions in the word problems game, students pick a card and solve the problem. Students have to pick the correct operation for the word problem which offers a nice balance of rigor. Once students solve their cards, they move to that space on the board. The person to the finish line by the end of the game time wins.
Inside this bundle, there are 3 different adding and subtracting fractions games. Three boards are included for differentiation. One board has only the answers to the cards. A second board has the answers plus a few decoy answers. The 3rd and most challenging board has the answers with many decoy answers. Use the boards that make the most sense to your students.

Add and Subtract Fractions Math Station Rotation Ideas
While math games are a classroom favorite, I also use other activities to keep my students learning and practicing. These activities are also great additions to math station time but they can work independently as a lesson.
Adding and Subtracting Fractions Unlike Denominators
This set of digital task cards is one of my go-to’s. I love the differentiated practice as students progress through the set. They start by solving with like denominators, then adding and subtracting fractions unlike denominators, and then adding and subtracting mixed numbers.
This task card set can be assigned digitally or by paper pencil making it work in any setting. I have left this as practice during a sub day and during virtual snow days. Bonus points for a self-grading Google Form!

Morning Work Fraction Worksheet
This morning work set is like the number of the day but for fractions. This is the first thing that my students get started on as we transition to our math block. A mix of spiral review and current fraction topics make this fraction worksheet a success.
The simplicity of this activity is what I love so much. 5 days fit on 1 side and the skills stay the same for the week so that students can get ample practice with skills. I love this during a math learning center or as homework to offer some practice without being overwhelming for students.

More Adding and Subtracting Fractions How To
Looking for more adding and subtracting fractions how to? Be sure to check out these links for more ideas on how to keep fractions fun! If you want to pick up everything mentioned in this post (& even more adding and subtracting fractions activities) be sure to grab tthe Worksheets for Adding and Subtracting Fractions Bundle here.
- 7 Tips on Add and Subtract Fractions
- Teaching Addition and Subtraction of Fractions with Unlike Denominators
- Adding & Subtracting Fractions
- Make Adding & Subtracting Fractions Easy
- Tips for Teaching Add and Subtract Fractions
What are your favorite adding and subtracting fractions how to? Any fun games or activities you use? Share them in the comments!

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