I don’t know about you but I really struggle when my students don’t know their multiplication facts. When we get to how to multiply and divide fractions, I just need my students to know their facts. This is why, even in 6th grade, I’m pulling out games with multiplication facts, worksheets on multiplication facts, and anything to help my students memorize multiplication!
Please tell me I’m not alone!
Teaching 3rd grade was one of my favorites because students are starting fresh with their multiplication knowledge. Now in 5th and 6th grade? I just need them to have their facts.
So one of my math station rotation ideas is to use games with multiplication facts. I love using games during math learning centers and my students do too. Worried about starting math stations? I created a FREE 5-part video series all about how to start math stations. Drop your email below and I’ll send the videos straight to your inbox. They walk you through the who, what, when, where, why, and how of math stations in 4th-6th grade.
Memorize Multiplciation Facts
Getting students to memorize multiplication facts can be a struggle, especially when some students in your class have them down and others don’t. I use a variety of strategies to help my students memorize their facts.
Technology in math class is a great way to get students to practice daily for a few minutes. This makes a great warm-up activity or a fast finisher.
I’ve played a whole-group math game with multiplication facts to help with repetition too. I share more about the games I play in this blog post if you want to check it out.
Another trick to getting students to memorize multiplication facts? Play games!
Games with Multiplication Facts
I”m sharing 5 of my favorite math games with multiplication facts. These games are all low-prep and ready to print and play. I love to keep my planning streamlined so everything is easy to prepare quickly. I also like games that involve partners and have a self-checking aspect. This way I make sure that my students are practicing math correctly!
Whole Number Math Games
This whole number math games bundle is perfect for all operations but especially multiplication. Students roll a die to create their math problem and solve it. Then they compare answers with their partner and the person with the higher number wins. Want to make dice games for kids even more advanced? Grab some different-sided dice or make your own dice with this tutorial!

Games Multiplication Facts Version
Looking for a whole group math game? I play around the world with multiplication so that students have the incentive to practice their facts outside of class. We play this about once a week after a quiz or any extra time in homeroom. This is also a fun game to play outside in nice weather!
Games with Mutiplication Flash Cards
Have stacks of flashcards hanging around? Play games with multiplication flash cards! I love playing speed or a game of war with flashcards as the playing cards. My students can play this in pairs if they finish anything early.
Math Games with Multipilication
This game is actually a freebie which you can download over here, but I love playing Popcorn with my students. My upper elementary math students compete with each other and the best part is this game can be played with a whole group of students.
Worksheets on Multiplication Facts

Worksheets on multiplication facts? As a game? Kind of! These games with multiplication facts are all based on Tic Tac Toe!
Students pick a problem on their board to solve and then check with their partners. Their partner has the answers so students are able to self-check. If their answer is correct, they take a turn at tic tac toe. Students keep playing until they win at tic tac toe.
This game always has a lot of competition in my classroom and there’s usually a March Madness-style bracket going around the class. I just like that my students are practicing their multiplication facts! Check out the math game here.
More games with multiplication facts
Looking for even more games with multiplication facts? Be sure to check out these blog posts with more ideas and free downloads!
- 44 Fun, Hands-On Ways to Teach Multiplication
- Multiplication Fact Practice: Engaging Ways to Boost This Key Math Skill
- Cupcakes Multiplication Game | Multiplication Facts
- Fun Multiplication Games for 3rd and 4th Grade
- 4 Fun Multiplication Games for Students
- How to Multiply a Whole Number
- Multiplication for 5th Grade
- 5 Fun Ways to Teach Multiplication Facts
I’d love to hear from you! What are your favorite games with multiplication facts? Drop your ideas in the comments below!

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