I feel like I’m always sharing about 5th grade math games and topics but today I’m sharing my favorite math games grade 4 addition! These math games are in my go-to styles of Tic Tac Toe, Double Dice, 4 in a Row, and Wordy Land but for 4th grade standards. These would work well for differentiation in 5th grade for students who need a review or reteach of prior concepts too!
Math games that are fun get a lot of love in my classroom. I use math station rotations at least weekly and my students love them! I’m able to pull small groups while the rest of my class is engaged in different rotations. I created a 5 part video series that dives deep into all things math stations. Turn your boring math block into something your students will beg for! Inside this video series, I share EVERYTHING I do to get math stations up and running in under a week! Simply fill out the form below and you instantly get the videos sent straight to your inbox.
Now, let’s jump into the best math games grade 4 classrooms need!
Addition with Regrouping and Subtracting with Regrouping
Starting off with a go-to in my classroom and that is algorithm station packs. These 2 sets, one for addition with regrouping and the other for subtracting with regrouping, are key to helping my students succeed. I use the resources inside of these packs for small group instruction and independent practice during math station time.

Each pack includes 2 math exit tickets so that you can have data on the front end and back end of rotations or the unit. There are also self-checking task cards for independent practice or for you to use with a small group. I love the handy guide for teachers to help diagnose mistakes and help students understand how to use adding or subtracting with regrouping.

Math Games Grade 4: Whole Number Games
Math games grade 4 need to center around whole numbers and operations. This whole number games pack of Double Dice is perfect for practicing addition with regrouping skills, multiplying whole numbers, and everything in between.
Students are creating their own problems so these games are easily reused. I like to slip my game boards into a page protector and let students use dry-erase markers to cut down on copies. You can even use colored paper for easy separation between the 4 operations.
This low-prep whole number games set does require dice but other than that, it’s self-sustaining and can be a part of math station rotation ideas for a few weeks.

Adding and Subtracting Fractions Games
Oh fractions! How complicated and confusing you can be?! I try to give students a lot of practice through math games that are fun. Fractions are no different! I have quite a few different game board sets that focus on both adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators and common denominators.
Math Games Grade 4 Fractions: 4 in a Row
4 in a row is a fun one that can get really competitive in my classroom. Students take turns solving an adding and subtracting fractions problem. They then check with their partner who has the answer. If it’s correct, they take a turn on the game board. This is similar to Connect 4 so students are trying to place 4 of their boxes in a row.
Inside this adding and subtracting fractions games pack there are 4 different partner game boards so it is easily reusable during the school year. Once students learn how to play, the directions are straightforward and can be used for spiral review.

Add and Subtract Fractions with Tic Tac Toe
Similar to 4 in a row, students are solving an add and subtract fractions problem. They check with their partner for the answer and if it’s correct then students play a spot in Tic Tac Toe. A timeless game but with a math twist.
The self-checking aspect is so important because I want students to practice adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators correctly! I also want to make it more fun than a boring worksheet so Tic Tac Toe is a nice combination of both.

Converting from Fractions to Decimals
Just like adding and subtracting fractions games, let’s take a tricky topic and make it a game! This converting from fractions to decimals Tic Tac Toe game is a great option for spiral review. Cycle back through fractions and decimals before state testing or practice all year long. If you want to see more converting from fractions to decimals lessons and activities, be sure to check out this blog post!

Comparing Numbers Games
Another math game grade 4 topic that does well for spiral review is comparing numbers. Whether you are looking for comparing whole number worksheets or needing a compare fraction worksheet, these games are way more fun!
Comparing Whole Number Worksheets & Games
Another set of Tic Tac Toe coming at you! Comparing whole number worksheets can get boring but this game is here to shake it up. Students are still solving math problems but are able to check their answers with a partner. Then, they take a turn at Tic Tac Toe. That moment of gameplay makes these ‘worksheets’ so much more fun!

Compare Fraction Worksheet Game
Compare fraction worksheet but make it a game! Print out these Tic Tac Toe game boards just like a worksheet. Students can solve a problem and then check their answers with their partners. If you want to leave it at that, you totally can! But I like to have students play a turn of Tic Tac Toe before they start on the next problem. And that’s where Tic Tac Toe Math Style was born!
To practice comparing fractions, the strategies are up to you. If you want students to compare with pictures, do it! If you rather compare fractions to benchmarks, these games work for that method too! The compare fraction worksheet game does not require a certain strategy so students can practice their own strategies to solve.

Add and Subtract Word Problems
Want more games for addition with regrouping or subtracting with regrouping? Then this add and subtract word problems game is for you! I’m always looking for more ways to get students to solve math word problems and this board game is the ticket.
Students pick an add and subtract word problems card and solve it. They then look for their answer on the game board. That spot is theirs until their next turn. The person that is closest to the finish line by the end of the game time is the winner.
While this game does require cutting out a set of cards, it is worth it! Students practice determining the correct operation. And with 3 different game boards, differentiation is made easy. One board has only the answers, another has the answers with some decoys and then the most challenging has the answers with lots of decoy answers. All 3 game boards use the same cards so the rigor is still in place.

Finding the Area and Perimeter Game
Geometry seems to be the last unit I teach so I’m always looking for the most exciting ideas for finding the area and perimeter. This game board is full of practice and is divided by topic so that I can teach area and perimeter separately and offer separate practice games.
Just print and play, this game board doesn’t need any extra supplies or tools. I like to put the game boards in page protectors for easy storage and the ability to reuse!

More Math Games Grade 4 Needs
Looking for more math games grade 4 needs? These blog posts and videos share even more games and ideas that are perfect for math station rotations.
- 25 Fantastic Free Fourth Grade Math Games
- 4th Grade Math Activities that Will Make Any Kid a Math Lover!
- 23 Fun 4th-Grade Math Games that Will Keep Kids from Getting Bored
- 7 Math Games using Playing Cards
- How to Make Math Games That Are Fun
- Dice Games How To Play In Math Class
I’d love to know in the comments, what are your favorite math games grade 4 uses.

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